Hey Everyone!!
Happy New Year!! Hope everyone is off to a fantastic start.
We are really excited for 2013 - I'm trying to sharpen my blogging skills as I find it easier to do twitter and facebook updates because I'm afraid I may ramble too much about nothing. I'm afraid to hear my self talk sometimes. I usually say the wrong thing and get in trouble for it.
I wanted to write about something completely different, just to kick off the new year. I'm in total self reflection mode. Get the brains flowing.
We are in the middle of prepping for the new EP. Also many ideas flowing around right now in regards to the music video for the new single " Burn" .
Filling out applications for such event I found my self in a pile of old Magneta Lane press clippings my mother has hoarded through out the years in an attempt to put together a one sheet of music review blurbs. God bless her.
As I sorted through the pile something caught my attention and I just wanted to share my revelation with you guys for whoever cares...
At an older age ( now in my just past mid twenties) - I've become more self aware. Self awareness is so important and becomes even more important as the years go by. I remember being 18 when everything was super tragic all the time and too be honest I never really knew why - it was bloody exhausting. As I sat there and started reading an old interview all these quotes were making me upset - quotes from my own mouth. The words - bratty, un-greatful, obnoxious and jaded came to mind and then I started laughing. I never understood why people would use the word mature in reviews, because quite frankly looking back I was FAR from it.
I wanted to make a comparison of where my head was then and where it is now...just for the sake of the new year, new music, fresh beginnings - 2004 flash forward to 2013....
First - One of the things I spoke of was "quitting at 27". HAHAHAHA wtf ??? - Im almost there. I feel younger now than I did then. And quite frankly music is my life. I will always do this. In whatever shape/form. It is what it is - part of me.Even if it makes me angry, its a vicious passionate marriage and it will probably kill me. I'm all for it. And as the years go by I realize I am on my path...27?!? What the fuck. LOL The girls and I have so much work to do.
Second - Taking things for granted - so jaded. There were so many marvelous things we got to see during the time of the Constant Lover and DWD and GWG all leading up to now. I have made it my new years resolution to take every breath in being thankful to be alive and being able to do what we love every day. Not to be self destructive. To be appreciative and to not whine about being tired all the god damn time.
All these amazing things were going on and I would have thought it was the fucking dark ages haha.
I will be the first to say that after being a band for almost 10 years - the ride has been wild. We've seen ups and downs galore. Slept in vans in the middle of winter - you name it. The experience is a delicious one. It's hands-on. It's not for the faint hearted.
Good times. haha
We have grown up with you guys. We continue to do so. Awkward hair, clothes, you name it - you've seen it all.
I hate using the word FAN in all honesty cause I feel like it makes us sound so self- righteous and crazy. You guys are our friends, our support system, the group in which we feel we belong. The place where we feel the most like ourselves. It goes beyond words.
Thank you.
If I could say anything to my 18 year old self , it would be this -
Wake the fuck up and smell the roses cause life doesn't wait up or give a shit. Enjoy every moment. Taste it. Be thankful for it - everyday. You are lucky.
That is all.
Here's an old photo I found... 2004 ( Holy Shit - Nadia's jacket!! haha)
Can't wait to get the new EP out to ya'll in February.
I always wondered if it sounds weird for a Canadian to say ya'll... it's quite practical. I like it.
2013 here we go!!
February can't come soon enough!
ReplyDeleteI have lots of friends that say y'all. Just turned 27 myself. Nothing has changed. Music will always be that part.